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Colton Underwood + Cassie Randolph Admit They’re Massive Country Fans

It doesn't seem that long ago when fans watched Colton Underwood jump a fence to prove his love for Cassie Randolph on The Bachelor. Fast forward, this pair's love story is stronger than ever! 

Cody Alan met up with Colton and Cassie in Mexico while attending Luke Bryan's 'Crash My Playa' music festival. The three reminisced over their favorite country songs, and Cassie and Colton shared some intimate details behind their love for country music.

"I didn't know you were country music fans, until recently!" said Cody Alan. "Country music played a big part in our story…" Watch the video below to see what Colton and Cassie revealed.

BONUS: Check out Cody Alan's Cody Cast Podcast with Colton + Cassie by clicking HERE.  

Photo Credit: Getty Images.